Privacy Policy

Metropolitan Warehouse & Delivery Corp (MWD) considers your privacy to be very important. The fundamental principles of our privacy policy are:

  • We won’t store any of your given personal information on our servers unless required for any on-going operation related to services being provided to you.
  • We won’t ask you for any personal information unless it is truly required.
  • We won’t share any of your given personal information with anyone except to comply with the law.

During the time we provide you services which we want you to be clear on how we’re using your given information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy.

Information collection and use

Gathering Personal-Identifying Information:

When you create or reconfigure an account on Pinnacle application, you will provide some personal-Identifying information, such as your user name, password, first/ last name, company name, address, phone number etc. Out of this information, details like company name, address, phone number etc., may be shared with your clients and/or vendors.

Gathering Other Information:

Pinnacle will also collect some information of the kind that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type and the date and time of each visitor request. The purpose is to better understand how our clients use our website.

Protection of User Information:

MWD takes necessary measures to protect user information to the best possible level.


A cookie is a prevailing general method, where a string of information is stored on a visitor’s computer. This information is used to facilitate and customize the future website visits by the same visitor. Pinnacle uses cookies to help in customizing responsive website experience. MWD visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using Pinnacle application. Not allowing cookies can limit certain Pinnacle functions.

Privacy Policy Changes:

MWD encourages clients to frequently check privacy policy for any changes which may be needed time to time. By using the Pinnacle application you agree to accept all clauses and any changes.